Ayrshire Housing has just completed its latest development of 27 flats close to the centre of Ayr.
Ayrshire Housing
Barratt Homes West Scotland has cited support for its proposed residential development at Monkton from a local MSP, the Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce and three leading housing associations as the planning application is prepared to go before South Ayrshire Council’s full council meeti
In another sign of the times, Ayrshire Housing went digital for its Annual General Meeting last Wednesday evening. The winners of the association’s garden and pet competitions were announced online.
Ayrshire Housing has received a loan of £8 million through a charitable bond arranged by Allia C&C to build another 118 homes for affordable rent over the next two years. The loan is the third and the largest the association has received under Allia C&C’s programme with
Ayrshire Housing has been recognised as a community anchor to help channel Scottish Government support to the voluntary sector during the coronavirus crisis. The Association has received funding of £12,000 from the Scottish Government's Supporting Communities Fund. With top-up fundin
Ayrshire Housing has launched this year's garden and pet competitions in its latest tenants’ newsletter. The Association's feline colleague Ruby Craig says "many have been focusing on their gardens and non-human companions during the lock-down, So I'm hoping for a bumper crop of entries this y
The current lockdown has not stopped Ayrshire Housing from consulting the public on its latest housing proposal to build a further 13 houses in the village of Kirkmichael. The Association was delighted to partner with the co-operatively run village shop in the distribution of the consultation bookle
Ayrshire Housing has worked this year with Ballantrae Primary School in the production of its seasonal card.
Ayrshire Housing has received a £3 million Scottish charitable bond from Allia C&C to support its latest building project in Ayr which is just getting underway.
Ayrshire Housing Association has submitted a planning application for 40 flats on Ayr's harbourside.
Eydent, the alliance between Ayrshire housing associations ANCHO, Atrium Homes, Ayrshire Housing and Shire Housing Association, successfully hosted its 4th conference on October 24.
With winter on the way, South Ayrshire Council and the Energy Agency are working to improve the energy efficiency of housing across the region.
Ayrshire Housing has submitted a planning application to build 34 flats in Ayr town centre close to the Gaiety Theatre.
Rhonda Leith has announced her retiral as chair of Ayrshire Housing’s board. Reflecting on the Association’s achievements over her five-year leadership at a packed AGM this week, Ms Leith said: “It’s great to see our building programme bearing fruit with a series of well-rece
Glasgow-based construction company CCG(Scotland) Ltd has invested a total of £38,000 in community projects across Ayrshire since 2018. The business has also provided jobs, apprenticeships and education opportunities for local residents.