Grenfell Tower

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The American firm which manufactured the flammable cladding panels used on Grenfell Tower has spent $40 million on legal and advisory fees linked to the incident, it has emerged. In its fourth-quarter report released this week, Arconic revealed that it has forked out $2m on Grenfell advisory fe

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The UK Government has launched a consultation into proposals to lower the 18-metre height tall building threshold as part of new measures to improve building safety standards. Providing an update on the building safety programme to the House of Commons yesterday, housing secretary Robert Jenrick tol

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The long-awaited public inquiry report into the Grenfell Tower tragedy has concluded that the choice, combination and installation of cladding led to the fire spreading so quickly. Published today, the 1,000-page phase 1 report follows the first phase of the inquiry, which looked at what happened on

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Potentially hundreds of flats in high rise blocks across Scotland may be effectively unsellable due to a lack of certification for cladding, it has been reported. New guidance issued by mortgage lenders revealed that properties over 18 metres high with any cladding must now provide written confirmat

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Well-meaning legislation put in place following Grenfell is proving a real challenge for the property/construction industry in practice, writes chartered surveyor Eric Curran. The Grenfell Tower tragedy horrified Britain, and our legislators – quite rightly and commendably – have concent

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More than 100 Grenfell survivors and relatives have opened lawsuit proceedings in the US against three firms they blame for the fire. The legal action, which will target cladding maker Arconic, isolation manufacturer Celotex, and fridge supplier Whirlpool, could result in tens of millions of dollars

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The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has welcomed the UK Government’s launch of a full consultation on the reform of building safety regulation but has voiced concerns over the length of time given to receive industry opinion. New regulation proposals and a related eight-week consultation

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The safety of people living in high-rise flats across Scotland is the focus of a new public consultation launched by the Scottish Government. Forming part of the government’s response to the Grenfell Tower fire in London in 2017, the consultation calls for views on how to simplify the guidance

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New rules to reduce deaths in household fires will see improved standards introduced for fire and smoke alarms in all homes in Scotland from 2021, the Scottish Government has announced. Under the regulations, every home in the country must have a smoke alarm fitted in the living room or lounge, and

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Fire safety and building compliance contractors across Scotland are being invited to help registered social landlords (RSLs) meet new higher standards to protect properties from smoke and fire, introduced in the wake of the Grenfell Tower disaster in London. Interested parties can apply to become &l

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Sound alerts for evacuation in high rise buildings and extending the mandatory installation of sprinklers in new flats are among a raft of new safety measures to be introduced next year in Scotland in response to the Grenfell Tower tragedy. The new building standards legislation will also reduce the

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