The Ofgem Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme opened its eleventh funding round for applications yesterday with a total of £40 million in grants available to charities and community energy groups across England, Scotland and Wales that support households most at risk from cold homes and
The energy price cap is to increase by 6.4% over the period covering April to June 2025, Ofgem has announced today.
Every energy supplier will be required to offer energy tariffs with low or no standing charges so customers can choose to pay these costs as part of the unit rate, under plans published by Ofgem.
Thirty-nine businesses have been suspended from installing new insulation in people’s homes after UK ministers were alerted to reports of poor-quality work.
A new campaign has been launched to urge owners of Radio Teleswitch Service (RTS) electricity meters to accept the offer of a meter upgrade from their energy supplier.
Ofgem’s board has extended Jonathan Brearley’s appointment as CEO to 31 January 2030. Mark McAllister, chair of Ofgem, said: “Jonathan has led Ofgem through unprecedented challenges over the past five years: the fallout from COVID-19, energy market turbulence and the price s
Mandating energy suppliers to offer low or no standing charges and better support for households struggling with debt are among planned improvements to the energy market announced by Ofgem yesterday.
The Ofgem Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme opened for applications yesterday with a total of £40 million available.
The energy price cap is set to increase by 1.2% starting in January, energy regulator Ofgem confirmed today.
E.ON Next - part of the E.ON Energy Group - has paid £14.5 million after failing to provide final bills and refund customer credit balances to prepayment meter customers. An investigation by the energy regulator, Ofgem, found almost 250,000 prepayment meter customer accounts were affecte
The Ofgem Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme has distributed a total of £9.3 million to support 28 organisations across England, Scotland and Wales, deliver projects supporting vulnerable residents with energy bills and carbon reduction initiatives.
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has submitted its evidence to energy regulator Ofgem’s review of its Vulnerability Strategy, which closes today. The CAS evidence calls for “bold, ambitious and effective” action to address the crisis being faced by households across Scotland t
The Ofgem Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme has launched its new Just Transition Fund today.
Energy suppliers and other stakeholders have committed to working together to replace 800,000 Radio Teleswitch (RTS) meters across the United Kingdom before the service is switched off next summer.
The Ofgem Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme opened for applications yesterday with its largest funding round since the scheme was established.