West Dunbartonshire Council

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Consulting engineer Will Rudd Davidson (Edinburgh) has completed complex engineering works at Dumbarton Harbour to provide waterfront access for the first time in 150 years and enable the delivery of almost 200 affordable homes.

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West Dunbartonshire Council has set out its ambitions to advance equality and promote diversity and inclusion in West Dunbartonshire.  The four year Equality Outcomes & Mainstreaming Report, presented to the Corporate Services Committee this week, details the council’s commitment

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West Dunbartonshire Council has launched a consultation to seek feedback on future options for the Brunswick House, Montreal House and Quebec House developments in Clydebank. The blocks, originally constructed in 1964, were identified for review by the council’s Better Homes Board due to unpop

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A future housing development site in Bonhill has been chosen by West Dunbartonshire Council for a new pilot scheme of Passivhaus energy efficient homes. Innovative homes generally need 90% less energy for heating and hot water than standard buildings and so have very low running costs.

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West Dunbartonshire Council has set its budget for the year ahead with a focus on helping the area recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2021/22 budget reflects the significant impact of the pandemic and details of spending for the coming year included investment in additional community empowermen

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West Dunbartonshire Council has agreed to write off irrecoverable debts owed to the council after "exhausting all avenues" for collection. The money includes uncollectable miscellaneous debt of £83,000 dating back to 2017, of which more than £15,000 is due by residents who died with

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Hugh Andrews is living testimony to Wheatley Group’s commitment to tackle homelessness in Scotland. The 37-year-old had been homeless for 13 years before moving into a Wheatley home in Clydebank as part of the pioneering Housing First partnership.

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The first residents have been welcomed to Clydebank’s new £14.092 million state-of-the-art care facility at Queens Quay House. In line with coronavirus restrictions, residents from Mount Pleasant House and Frank Downie House moved in over a two day period, and will remain within the

61-75 of 235 Articles